Our Planning Feature provide a concise view into every planning application throughout the UK visualised on the map. You could simply use the feature to find out who is getting an extension down your road, or if you work for
an investment, development, or lending company, easily source new deals. If you need to find out what the planning or construction pipeline is like,
our graphs allow you to see this in an instant.
The information shown on the map can be filtered down by development type, planning status, planning stage, construction status, contract stage, primary categories (student accommodation, elderly living,
hotels, private housing etc), project sectors, and purely Build-To-Rent
There is a huge amount of detail provided in each application such as the scheme details, who the client is (and the architect, planning consultant, project manager etc), number of units, start and end date of construction, plus so much more.
Our policy overlays give you the ability to overlay any bit of policy information such as SHLAA data, TPO's, brownfield sites, conservation areas, listed buildings, AONB and plenty more.